This course will offer a detailed explanation of various advanced directives, including Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will and Final Arrangements Advance Directive allowing attendees to understand the differences between the documents, including pros and cons of choosing to complete or not complete each. This course will use evidence based research detailing the efficacy and usefulness of each document. This course will distinguish legal intricacies of each document, explaining what each is meant to achieve and the limitations of each. This course plans to present each document with plenty of case examples and a multi-media presentation, including audience participation and time for questions.
Learning Objectives:
Understand options for Wisconsin Health Care Advance Directives
Understand general usage of each WI Health Care Advance Directive
Understand how to help clients successfully complete their advance care planning
Kristin Scheeler, MSSW, CAPSW
Kristin Scheeler, MSSW, CAPSW, has been working professionally with older adults since 2003. She has worked in a skilled nursing facility, outpatient family practice clinic, area agency on aging focal point for seniors in Dane County, a hospice, and now for BrightStar in Madison as the agency’s (nationwide) first social worker. She has supervised several Masters level social work students and enjoys fulfilling the educational sharing charge of the Code of Ethics. Kristin’s primary professional interests are in health care, aging and end of life social work.