This presentation will briefly explore multiple definitions of trauma, including simple versus complex, and report on the prevalence of trauma in Wisconsin and Milwaukee. The presenters will subsequently address inter-generational trauma, examining mechanisms through which trauma can travel from parent to child. With data from the Milwaukee area, the presenters will provide evidence for the inter-generational effects of parental trauma, namely delayed child development. The problem of trauma is severe, widespread and well known, and while solutions lag behind problem recognition, they are coming. Therefore, the presenters will highlight examples of innovative solutions that they are implementing with their partners in Milwaukee. The solutions include novel trauma screening and assessment protocols, modified trauma-focused individual interventions, emerging trauma-informed group interventions, and coordinated systems of care. Taken together, these multi-level approaches can energize efforts to interrupt generational cycles of trauma and transform Milwaukee into a more vibrant and inclusive community.
Objectives:- To strengthen insight into the complex trauma and adverse childhood experience frameworks.
- To understand the prevalence and consequences of complex trauma in SE Wisconsin.
- Recognize practices and principles of effective trauma care.
- Become familiar with several innovative trauma-informed programs in SE Wisconsin.