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Beyond Treatment as Usual: The Case for Cognitive Remediation
Cost: SPS Members: Free / Non-SPS Members: $30 / Non-NASW Members: $40 Why have more individuals with chronic mental health disabilities not recovered more completely? We need to rethink the problem and solution; move the treatment paradigm from treatment as usual, i.e. maintenance style of non-treatment to Cognitive Remediation, an active treatment focusing on remediating the person’s disabilities while increasing their strengths.
CET, a SAMHSA recognized Evidence Based Practice form of cognitive remediation, has been successfully disseminated to 41 sites in 12 states. The talk will demonstrate how over 48 once-a-week sessions of computer exercises, social cognition groups and individual coaching, clients learn how to be socially wise and vocationally effective.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize the importance of treating cognitive deficits in persons with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and high level autism
State the theoretical components of CET and why CET results are so durable (up to 12 years post graduation)
Explain how CET can support/increase vocational and educational success
Cost: SPS Members: Free / Non-SPS Members: $30 / Non-NASW Members: $40 If you are not a Specialty Practice Sections member, please click here to join:
1.5 Clinical Social Work
Only for Specialty Practice Section Members
Specialty Practice Sections
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