Essentially, self is the union of body, emotions, thoughts and sensations that constitute the individuality and identity of a person.
It would seem safe to conclude that self is not a static entity; rather it is a dynamic, ever evolving organism that shifts from mode to mode dependent upon multiple factors. We sometimes speak of a “better self,” a “before I’ve had my coffee self,” my “angry self”, and myriad other variations of this versatile creature.
Obviously we need to know the full range of the self we live in; how it learns to navigate the many terrains of life. I call this “self-awareness.” This insight provides salient information that helps us to use self as tool in ways that help us reach predetermined goals and objectives with the least amount of failed attempts.
This mention of goals and objectives alerts me to the fact that we have learning objectives for this session!
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
* Correctly identify the meaning of self
* Speak with clarity about the four main issues discussed
* Explain the importance of self-awareness for a change agent
* Demonstrate how the self is able to manage change
* Show how an evolved self is a more useful tool for change