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Social Workers Out-Front on the Harms of Corporal Punishment
1.5 Social Work
Course Number:
1 hour 30 minutes
Available for 5 months after event date
April 2, 2025 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))
This webinar addresses the myths and harms associated with corporal punishment, and the social norms that perpetuate them. Physical discipline is the most prevalent risk factor for child abuse in the United States. Social workers recognizing it as a public health issue is important for the prevention of child maltreatment. They often dread conversations regarding spanking, but parents are often relieved to know they have alternatives. Social workers educating parents and other adults about safe and effective ways of parenting is essential for the health and well-being of all children. No Hit Zones as an alternative will be discussed.
Social workers will be able to distinguish the myths from the facts about spanking.
Social workers will be able to describe the latest research regarding the harms of corporal punishment.
Social workers will review trauma-informed resources for safe and effective parenting.
1.5 Social Work
Early Registration
Specialty Practice Sections
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