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Helping Social Workers Provide Testimony, Handle Subpoenas and Correspond with the Court
1.5 Social Work
Course Number:
1 hour 30 minutes
Available for 5 months after event date
March 24, 2025 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))
Social Workers in the course of their practices are occasionally asked to appear in Court and can receive subpoenas for a myriad of reasons. These reasons can include criminal matters, civil matters, custody or divorce recommendations, employment and potential licensure issues for the individuals Social Workers work with. Additionally, records or reports are often requested by attorneys or entities about their clients. Many Social Workers are reluctant or sometimes fearful to be involved in this process. However, many times testifying or providing appropriate documentation can be vital to the clients improvement. Unfortunately, there are times that mistakes are made in this area by well intentioned and ethical Social Workers because they are not aware of the proper rules or laws that pertain to those situations. This Webinar will hope to significantly reduce the chances of those mistakes happening.
Learning Objectives:
How to testify in Court, Licensure or Employment Hearings, and Depositions as an Expert Witness. The Social Worker will learn how to prepare for testimony so they can convey the message they want the proceedings to receive. The Social Worker will learn how to handle Direct and Cross Examination, or when appropriate, make a statement to the Court. This webinar will help the Social Worker to do their part in protecting the community while testifying on behalf of their client.
The Social Workers reputation in the community is important when testifying. Therefore, the webinar will teach the Social Worker how to work with Attorneys, Judiciary, and other members of the Court. It will also teach the Social Worker how to work with licensing boards or employers such as (but not limited to) the FAA when public safety could be impacted by the employee the Social Worker is treating.
The webinar will instruct Social Workers how to handle subpoenas, Court Orders and different situations pertaining to requests for records. This will include how to select the appropriate attorney for assistance if one is necessary. The webinar will share how to write Court Reports and updates when requested.
1.5 Social Work
Early Registration
Specialty Practice Sections
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