Most conversations about the workplace and the workforce center on the risks and hazards associated with the practice of social work. These risks include vicarious traumatization, distress, burnout and even impaired practice. These risks are borne by the social worker and unless they are addressed can negatively impact clients. There are social workers looking for exceptions to these stories and this course was developed from research that uses positive perspectives to examine how social workers find great joy in their work. It is with hope that this course will help social workers increase stories of joy in their work. Participants in this course will learn more about how social workers find joy through making connections, making a difference, making meaning, and making a life.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this webinar
1. Participants will be able to identify “how” social workers find joy in their work
2. Participants will be able to analyze the implications of research on joy and make application to their practice
3. Participants will be able to select one strategy they can use to thicken stories of joy in their work.
David K. Pooler is the Associate of Baccalaureate Studies at the Baylor University School of Social Work in Waco, Texas. He earned the Ph.D. and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Louisville. Dr. Pooler has 20 years of experience working with people who have mental health problems (including people with addictions, trauma survivors, and people experiencing homelessness). He teaches social work practice with individuals, families, and groups. Dr. Pooler is an occupational social worker and studies the personal and contextual factors that promote flourishing at work. He has been married to Cheryl (a social worker) for 22 years and they have two daughters that were adopted from China.