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Mandated Supporting: An Anti-racist response to over surveillance by Mandated Reporters
Presented by Julie Ahnen, DCDHS CPS and Laura Becher, DCDHS CPS and Sue De Buhr, MSW
Beliefs about acceptable parenting practices and mandatory reporting to Child Protective Services have been ingrained in the minds of mandatory reporters for decades. We know that implicit bias impacts a person’s judgement and decision-making in multiple arenas and mandatory reporting is no exception. Dane County Child Protective Services has taken a deep dive into the history of mandatory reporting and the laws that govern this requirement in Wisconsin. We invite you to learn more about our journey and the steps we have taken to challenge mandated reporters to rethink their motivation around calling Child Protective Services. Discover what it means to become a mandated supporter of families.
Price | Early Registration | Standard |
Non-Member | N/A | $35.00 | Member | N/A | $25.00 | Retired | N/A | $20.00 | Student | N/A | $20.00 |
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