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Responding Ethically and Competently to “Emotional Support Animal” (ESA) Letter Requests
Increasing numbers of social work practitioners are asked by their clients to write “Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letters” to verify eligibility for ESAs as an accommodation in rental housing. Uncertainty on how to respond to such requests creates barriers to housing access for people facing housing instability who are eligible for ESA support as a housing accommodation under the U.S. Fair Housing Act. The purpose of this webinar is to equip social work practitioners to ethically and competently respond to ESA letter requests through addressing the related basic skills, knowledge, and professional values entailed in such.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will be able to articulate the ethical and legal responsibilities related to verification of need for an ESA.
Attendees will be able to describe at least one of each type of therapeutic human benefits associated with non-human animal companionship: biological, psychological, social, and emotional.
Attendees will be able to identify and differentiate the different therapeutic roles commonly held by animals: pet/companion animal; Emotional Support Animal (ESA); and service animals.
Attendees will be able to describe and assess for eligibility for Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) under the U.S. Fair Housing Act (FHA), and describe how state-specific laws can further interface with FHA ESA eligibility.
Attendees will be able to document reliable documentation of ESA eligibility via the “ESA letter”.
1.5 Ethics
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