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The Basic Neuroscience of Addiction: Debunking the Choice: Myth- Presented by the North Carolina Chapter
Course Title: The Basic Neuroscience of Addiction: Debunking the “Choice” Myth Presented by NASW North Carolina Chapter Course Description Over the past 25 years, we have witnessed vast scientific advances. Such advances, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have great implications of assisting and improving the treatment of addiction(s). Regrettably, despite these scientific advances, deep rooted deep rooted stigmas and misconceptions remain. This presentation will describe possible predisposing factors and undercurrents of addiction, the basic neurobiology of addiction, and adaptive coping skills. Biography Jessica Holton, MSW, LCSW, LCAS has been active in leadership roles with the NASW, on chapter and national levels, since 2005. She was NASW-NC President from 2012 to 2014 and is currently a NASW-NC Delegate, a committee member of the Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Specialty Practice Section and is the Region V NCNLI Alternate. She served on the NCSAPPB from 2007 to 2015. Jessica was elected as a Member At Large on Addiction Professionals of North Carolina’s Board of Directors in 2016 and was appointed as Chair of the Professional Standards and Best Practices Committee in 2017. Additionally, Jessica has written many professional newsletter articles, a six-hour curriculum and has been a public speaker nationwide.
1 Social Work
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