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Anticipating Tragedy: Clinical Guidance for a Client’s Suicide
Despite all of the training for suicide prevention, there is little to no training for dealing with a client's suicide. Research has found that the loss of a client to suicide is the “most profoundly disturbing event of one’s professional career” (Hendin, et al. 2000). This presentation will fortify clinicians with practical information and preparation for the unfortunate event of a client suicide. This presentation will highlight statistics for suicide amongst at-risk populations. Gender, culture, ethnicity and disability status will be discussed in determining risk as well as protective factors to support clinician's understanding of best practices.
Program learning objectives:
Discuss ways to prepare for the unfortunate event of client suicide.
Learn about your role in talking to family, staff, or your agency in the aftermath of a client's suicide (including HIPAA guidelines).
Review common reactions with use of case studies.
1.5 Social Work
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