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A Social Worker's Guide to Effectively Managing Intimate Partner Violence in Healthcare Settings
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a highly stigmatized societal epidemic, represented by 10 million incidents of violence in the U.S. annually. Though IPV transcends all racial and socioeconomic boundaries, women of color are disproportionately impacted and subject to severe physiological and psychological injuries, including death. Social workers and other healthcare professionals are uniquely positioned to aid in the detection and intervention of IPV-related cases, representing vital opportunities to engage victims and survivors in life-saving care. This webinar serves to enhance social workers' existing knowledge of IPV, aid social workers in detecting subtle, hidden signs of IPV, and engage in effective, targeted intervention strategies.
Expand social workers' current understanding of IPV to include subtle, hidden indicators of IPV.
Aid social workers in recognizing the unique challenge facing vulnerable and marginalized populations.
Enable social workers to effectively engage in culturally informed, evidence-based interventions that reduce risk of re-traumatization.
1 Social Work
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