The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Why It’s Needed, What's at Stake, and What We Can Do
Thi s webinar will help social workers understand connections between the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), Tribal sovereignty, and Native American well-being, and how legal challenges to ICWA threaten the wellness of Native children and families, Tribal Nations, and beyond. It will cover federal ICWA provisions, intentions, implementation, and impact, followed by a summary of the Brackeen v. Haaland case. It will explore ramifications of non-preferred foster care and adoption placements for Indigenous children, and delve into ICWA’s broader relationships with the self-determination, health, and socioeconomic well-being of Indigenous Peoples. The webinar will highlight how understanding ICWA laws, and engaging in policy advocacy for such laws, align with social work ethics and competencies. Finally, it will explore actions social workers can take to protect and strengthen ICWA laws.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize ICWA as a policy that has remediated past human rights violations and supports current and future Native American well-being.
- Understand legal challenges to ICWA within contexts of Tribal sovereignty, colonialist oppression, and White supremacy.
- Identify connections between ICWA and social work standards, including the NASW Code of Ethics and CSWE competencies.
Price | Standard |
Non-Member | $35.00 | Member | $20.00 | Specialty Practice Sections | $0.00 |
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