Evolving challenges transverse social work ethics and practice. While implications exist for all practitioners, digital technology has brought
heightened risk for clinical social work supervisors. Ethical dilemmas abound from conflicts of interest and dual relationships, to state to state disparities of licensure scope, plus privacy and confidentiality.
Effective supervisory oversight is essential for managing the current ethical disrupters of:
• Technology proficiency
• Appropriate use of social media and electronic communication
• Mandatory duty to warn situations,
• Industry demands for interstate practice and licensure portability
Professional liability for both the supervisor and supervisee is paramount.
How does one effectively juggle all these moving parts?Engage in a training that blends new knowledge, with industry scenarios and application of the latest professional resources, including the 2017 Technology and Social Work Practice (NASW, ASWB, CSWE, CSWA, 2017) and the NASW Code of Ethics.
With change the only constant in our industry, can you afford to miss out?