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Psycho-physiological Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous
Public speaking anxiety is the #1 phobia which is often driven by the fear of being noticeably nervous. Debilitating symptoms include panic attacks, fear of blushing (Erythrophobia), fear of sweating (hyper-hidrosis, voice freeze (selective mutism), and dissociation. These symptoms are driven by obsessive worry and perfectionism.
This strategy can be utilized for social workers who experience this challenge. It also can be taught to their clients.
In this introductory workshop for social workers participants will learn the basic treatment architecture for public speaking performance anxiety integrating the domains of F.A.T.E.:
F = function (physiology) A = action (behavior) T = thinking (cognition) E = emotion
An understanding of paradoxical technique for adrenaline management.
A fundamental understanding of mind states.
An understanding of “Tension Myositis Syndrome.”
1.5 Clinical
Specialty Practice Sections
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