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Confronting Opioid Misuse: Leveraging Social Work Expertise
This conference is for social workers who care about social determinants and clinical strategies related to the opioid epidemic. All four sessions can be watched in order, or any combination of sessions can be viewed; each can stand on its own merits. The strategy of the conference was to begin at the Macro level and end with Micro/Clinical practice strategies. Session 1 will cover public health data in Massachusetts and statewide policies and strategies. Although this session is specific to Massachusetts, the findings and information will be of interest to social workers from other states, as well. Sessions 2 through 4 are not MA state-specific. Session 2 will cover a historical view of opioid use and the intersection between opioid use and minorities and other vulnerable populations. Session 3 will provide evidence-based tools to identify and address unhealthy substance use early on when social workers can have the most impact. Session 4 will provide an understanding of how to work with clients with an opiate addiction in clinical practice.
Participants will:
Learn the epidemiology of the opioid epidemic in Massachusetts
Understand the intersection between opioid use and minorities and other vulnerable populations
Understand Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocols
Learn how to integrate substance abuse treatment into your clinical practice
6 Substance Use Disorder
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