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Screening and Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Prevention Practice to Reduce Risky Drinking
Risky drinking among women in the U.S. has grown rapidly over the last decade. Research shows that women who drink too much are at higher risk of alcohol-related problems than men, and face reproductive health and birth risks, including alcohol-exposed pregnancy and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. This webinar will help clinical social workers address this growing women’s health issue by sharing how to deliver and implement alcohol screening and brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT), an evidence-based tool backed by more than 30 years of research.
Learning Objectives:
Cite the most recent data on drinking trends among women.
Recognize the need for effective strategies to address harmful substance use among women, and the impact of brief interventions delivered in community settings.
Introduce best practices for screening and brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT).
Notice of Recording. Please note that this event will be recorded. By participating in the Q&A portion, you consent to having your questions and comments recorded and to NASW making the recording available on its website and through other media,and you waive any rights you may have related to the recording.
You must watch the live webinar at day and time of the live event to earn live CEs. If you are registered for the live event and do not attend live, you will be able to access the archived version, but you will not earn CEs. You cannot register for both the live and self-study version. The self-study version will be available within 10 days and you may still earn CEs with separate registration.
1 Substance Use Disorder
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