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IA: Exposure & Ritual Prevention: The Most Effective Behavioral Treatment for OCD (SELF STUDY)
The model for ERP, how to implement in, as well as common pitfalls will be explained and reviewed. Case examples will be used to illustrate the points on how to provide this treatment from the beginning of treatment through termination.
OCD is one of the leading causes of disability among mental health disorders in the United States. Additionally, widespread acceptance from organizations around the world recognize ERP as a first line treatment alone, or in conjunction with specific medications. Yet, finding therapists well trained in ERP can often be difficult. My hope and goal of this workshop is to explain the model, its effectiveness, and increase interest in others becoming competent in this treatment.
Note: A general understanding of what is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is recommended because very little time is going to be spent on this.
4 Social Work
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