Synopsis: The Introduction to Child Welfare Training covers tasks and responsibilities of three parts of the child welfare system 1) Child Protection Services 2) Family Preservation 3) Out of Home Placement. Social workers are aware of mandated reporting requirements, but they may not know the intricacies associated with the system after a report is submitted. This training highlights the directives of the child welfare system and provides insight into the role the system plays to protect children and support families. This information is intended to help social workers increase their capacity to 1) advocate for clients impacted by the child welfare system 2) educate clients navigating the child welfare system 3) refer clients to resources and services 4) develop plans to meet clients’ needs.
Learning Objectives: attendees will:
1. Receive an overview of the Maryland Department of Social Services child welfare system
2. Review mandated reporting requirements
3. Review local and national resources that guide child welfare practice in order to increase their capacity to educate clients
4. Learn to utilize appropriate interventions for clients that are interacting with the child welfare system