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#3094 – RECORDED WORKSHOP - Mental Health and Nutrition: Beating the Blues with the Greens
Presenter: Stacey Robinson, LCSW-C Clinical Supervisor, Therapist Synopsis: In this presentation, the presenter will focus on understanding and treating mental health disorders with proper nutrition. The body wants to heal itself all the time. To do this, it needs rest, exercise, and nutrients. When the body is depleted of nutrients and full of chemicals, excessive saturated fat, sugar, and empty calories it suffers from a chronic inflammation state. The body is trying to heal, but not getting the required nutrients and consistently being flooded with toxins. As a result, people can suffer from chronic pain, overwhelming sadness, irritability, fatigue, stress, sleep deprivation, stomachache, constipation, poor concentration, variable weight gain/loss, impulsivity, and apathy. Therapists can educate themselves and their clients on the importance of nutrient-dense foods and the positive effects on overall health, especially mental health. Learning Objectives: at the end of this presentation, attendees will: 1. Learn an alternative approach to the concepts of health, disease, diagnosis and treatment 2. Identify the effects associated with the lack of nutrition on mental health 3. Learn the nutrient-dense foods and how they will assist in improving mental health 4. Learn how to assess clients with nutritional deficiencies and how to incorporate nutrient rich foods into their diet to improve mental health. Cost: $25 for members; $55 for non-members CE: 3 Category II
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