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Social Emotional Learning: The Impact of Deindividuation on Prosocial Outcomes
This webinar will present social workers with connections between the school-to-prison pipeline and three predictive markers (deindividuation, social emotional learning, emotional quotient/emotional intelligence). It will show how these three markers relate to the development of prosocial skills in early childhood through adulthood. Social workers can expect to gain a better understanding of the importance of advocating for policies and processes that ensure equitable outcomes for all individuals especially students.
Learning Objectives:
Social workers will be able to develop cultural competencies around understanding deindividuation as a means to eradicate the school-to-prison pipeline.
Social workers will be able to coordinate with school personnel to ensure embedded policies and processes along with implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
Social workers will be able to understand how low Emotional Quotient (EQ)/Emotional Intelligence (EI) in early years may correlate to lower prosocial skills in adulthood.
1.5 Social Work
Specialty Practice Sections
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