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Basic Overview of the Triple Intersection of Trauma, Gender Diversity and Neurodiversity in Youth
This training will offer an overview of the "triple intersection" of trauma, neurodiversity and gender diversity. There is growing evidence that a significant number of individuals on the autism spectrum are transgender or more broadly LGBTQ+. Independently, the intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and LGBTQ+ populations are at greater risk for exposure to trauma and adversity. Individuals at the intersection of both of these identities are at greatest risk. This presentation will address the need to attune supports and care for the unique needs of individuals who are both neurodivergent and LGBTQ+. This training will provide some tips and suggestions for working with individuals who identify in this population.
Learning objectives: 1. Participants will be able to describe the impact of trauma on youth. 2. Participants will gain awareness regarding the co-occurrence of IDD/ASD and gender diversity, including the heightened risk for trauma and other mental health symptoms. 3. Participants will learn ways to promote more inclusive, affirming, and trauma-informed practices to support neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ people.
This is PART 1 of a three-part series. Register for Part 2 and Part 3 to learn more and earn additional CEs.
2 Social Work
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