Black Male Youth Raised in Public Systems: Engagement, Healing, Hope
PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING – You are registering for credits ONLY. In order to complete this course and claim the credits, you must separately purchase and read Black Male Youth Raised in Public Systems: Engagement, Healing, Hope, by Sheryl Brissett Chapman, Ralph Belk, Jasilyn Morgan, and Krystal Holland, from NASW Press, then complete an exam. After you purchase the credits on the Social Work Online CE Institute, navigate to your My Products page and click the green Play button to purchase the publication from NASW Press. Once you have read the publication, navigate back to your My Products page and click the blue Get Certificate button to complete the exam. Please only attempt to complete the exam after you have separately purchased and read the publication.The plight of Black male children who are removed from their families and placed under the care and supervision of public agencies is driven by historical vulnerability to racist and discriminatory policies, practices, and systems in this country. They face chronic and persistent stereotyping and are at heightened risk for every form of social ill including incarceration, health and mental health disparities, poverty, violence, reduced life expectancy, and ineffective participation in the workforce and larger society. The public systems that these Black male youth must navigate are fundamentally not designed to help them overcome trauma, heal, and thrive as they transition to young adulthood. In fact, when we place them in these systems, the trauma and lack of understanding are maximized. Using firsthand accounts from 200 Black adolescents, Black Male Youth Raised in Public Systems: Engagement, Healing, Hope validates the fears, anxieties, and complexities of these youth. The authors point to the need for adults to “get out of the way” so they are better positioned to obtain access to understanding how these youth consider their life journeys and under what terms they allow a relationship with an adult, which is critical and necessary for their healing. Specifically, the book presents alternative frameworks that invite practitioners to reconsider their approach and encourage academics to explore new avenues of inquiry. In addition, the authors make a case for this group to be a protected class, which would require enhanced and culturally informed social advocacy. Readers will gain practical strategies for moving the art of engagement beyond trauma-informed practice to healing and recovery. The overall purpose is to encourage a sense of urgency rather than fear in every professional’s ability to facilitate the healing of Black male youth who, by the very nature of their circumstances, trust no adults and experience no true safety. Learning Objectives:
- Understand the how powerfully illustrative the plight of Black male children removed from their home before the age of majority reflects the residual impact of racial slavery in the United States.
- Improve the practices and policies at all levels, across institutions both professional and organizational, that affect the lives of young Black males removed from their families.
- Through the voices of Black male youth, recognize the fear, anxiety, and complexity that assault them when they are removed from their families of origin.
- Integrate into practice the concept of Concentrated Manifestation of Trauma (CMT) and its implications for supporting Black male youth in out-of-home care.
- Explore the constitutional implications of systemic harm on a subpopulation of Black male youth, the prevailing inequity, and the available remedies for historic discrimination at the state and national levels.
- Identify the significance of creating a safe psychological vehicle for Black male adolescents to lay down their figurative shield and to heal.
- Commit to critical inquiry and change in the society’s healing response to these most vulnerable children and youth in our midst.
Price | Early Registration | Standard |
Non-Member | N/A | $35.00 | Member | N/A | $27.00 |
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