In the US, more than 30 million people of all ages, races, genders, and sexual orientations struggle with an eating disorder. The rising cases of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and orthorexia (obsession to “eat clean”) should serve as a signal to social workers. Are we prepared to work with clients grappling with disordered eating and distorted body image? This workshop will offer a primer on the role body image plays with biopsychosocial health using the newest body positive and anti-diet approaches. While centering on the margins, special consideration will be given to working with non-white, LGBT, disabled, and plus-size populations. Content will also cover trendy topics like weight stigma, Health At Every Size (HAES), the relationship between body dissatisfaction and consent, and conclude with concrete interventions to promote positive self image and heal negative body image. Many free resources will be shared.